Hello, I am Abhiram.

Building websites one line of code at a time


Selected Works.



This application points out the location of ISS. This application is built using vannila js and leaflet.js and main purpose of this project is to know the workings of fecth in JS
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Memory card Game

Memory card Game

Pick unique characters to increase score without repeating selections. Score +1 for new picks, reset to 0 for repeats.
Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

A simple client side react app with functionality of adding items to cart and removing items from cart. This project is built using CSS, React



Software Engneer Intern

Oct,2022 - Apr,2023

  • I worked as full-stack developer developing web apps with a skill set geared toward front-end development.
  • Utilized React JS with modular, reusable, component-based architecture following latest standards.
  • Experience in developing component-based designs for REST APIs utilizing Typescript-based reusable components and services.
  • Working knowledge of version control technologies such as Git, code repositories such as GitHub

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to me if you're looking for a developer, have a query, or simply want to connect.
you can also find me on these platforms!
 2023   coded with     by Abhiram Kantipudi